Wednesday, February 6, 2013

27 Acts of Kindness..Day 1

Wherever there is a human in need, there is an opportunity for kindness and to make a difference.

Kevin Heath 

I will be turing the big 27 in 27 days, so I decided to celebrate before it comes, but in another fashion. I, plus some other friends, will be doing a different act of kindness a day. This can entail many different things, such as singing at a nursing home. This year will be about doing for others so that people around can be inspired and know that there are still kind people out there. The inspiration that we leave may brighten someone's day :).
I will be blogging each of the things that I have done for each day. I will also be doing a picture challenge for 27 days, so check out my other blog as well.

Join me along my journey and even start your own acts of kindness.

Day 1:
My cousin is in her 2nd year of med school, which is one of the hardest years. She is always studying and studying some more. She started some important exams today, therefore I decided to leave her a note of encouragement that she will see when she comes back home. I decided to start off with her for my first day because I live with her and I know that it takes a lot to continue studying day after day.

Here are some ideas..   found at

·      Read to the Elderly
·      Read to a Child
·      Plastic is so commonly used in packaging food and beverages, it seems nearly impossible to avoid it. But consider the effects it has on the environment, and even our communities...
·      Show someone--your mom, your wife, a friend--you love them by surprising them with flowers when they least expect it.
·      "Would you like to donate $1 to…" 

It seems like we get asked this in check out lines everywhere: grocery stores; department stores; fast food restaurants.
·      Donate Blood
·      Donate Used Clothing
·      "The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing." ~John Powell
·      Give someone a massage
·      Say something nice to someone
·      Be generous with compliments
·      Complain less
·      Visit someone who is lonely
·      Call a grandparent
·      Buy a bouquet of flowers and then leave one flower on 10 different cars with a note.